Cinderace – Gou’s first-ever Pokémon. He caught him in the Wild Area of the Galar Region on December 01st 2019, exactly 1 week after they first met, who chased Gou by train all the way from Wyndon City. Very energetic fellow, known for its physical prowess. Their bonds of friendship and trust can never be broken, truly the perfect partner to help Gou in achieving his dream of catching the Mythical Mew. He evolved into a Raboot after defeating some Team Rocket Grunts in March of 2020 and yet again into a Cinderace by defeating several Macro Cosmos henchmen during the Darkest Day calamity in October of 2020.Active Moves : Pyro Ball, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Quick Attack (also Flame Charge, Flamethrower and Fire Fang).Other Moves : Blast Burn, U-Turn, Swift, Mega Kick, Bounce, Acrobatics, Mud Shot, Electro Ball, Shadow Ball, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt, Gunk Shot, Scorching Sands.Gender : Male
Ability : Blaze
Nature : Hasty (+ Speed, - Defense)
Characteristic : Impetuous and silly (22/31 IVs in Speed)
Misdreavus – Gou met Misdreavus in Ecruteak City in the Johto Region on January 05th 2020, right after getting Koharu the arrow souvenirs from the kyudo academy. He caught her in the Bell Tower after she casted an hallucination on him. She's very friendly even if sometimes of a prankster. She has a great respect for Stantler, not to mention to Koharu, who she helped during her training for the Berlitz Cup after she had found a passion for Contests. She found herself ready to evolve after some training in the Victory Road, but she prefers to stay as a Misdreavus for a while longer since she's still very young.Moves : Mean Look, Perish Song, Confuse Ray, Shadow Ball, Hex, Will-O-Wisp, Psywave, Psybeam, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Shock Wave, Charge Beam, Thunderbolt.Gender : Female
Ability : Levitate
Nature : Sassy (+ Special Defense , - Speed )
Characteristic : Mischievous (31/31 IVs in Special Attack)
Cubone – Cubone was caught on February 20th 2020, the exact same day that Douya was born while Gou was visiting his paternal grandmother Tome as she displayed a Karaoke show in Vermilion City accompanied by Nia's assistants - Ikuo and Kurune. Cubone has some confidence issue but those are getting solved as he bonds and battles alongside Gou and his friends, making him a powerful Pokémon.Moves : Bone Rush, Stomping Tantrum, Brutal Swing, Iron Head, Headbutt, Double Edge, Brick Break & Fire Punch.Gender : Male
Ability : Rock Head
Nature : Lonely (+ Attack , - Defense)
Characteristic : Highly persistent (22/31 IVs in Defense)
Inteleon – Inteleon was caught in Wyndon City on June 15th 2020 as a Sobble after Gou saw a PWC match between Leon and Raihan. Inteleon was once very shy by nature but still determined when the circumstances required him to be. Camouflaging to become invisible is a very unique trait to his species and he uses it at full potential to attack enemies and even scavenge for food. He became invisible with his tears, but he can now do it on command. When he evolved into a Drizzile on April 05th 2021 he decided that he needed some alone time to truly accept who he currently was, secluding himself in a dark damp cave until he stopped a data burglar and their Kecleon on August 10th 2021 as he finally evolved into an Inteleon and is now training to master aerodynamics & marksmanship.Moves : Pound, Bind, Protect, Tearful Look, Snipe Shot, Water Pulse, Whirlpool, Liquidation, U-Turn, Sucker Punch, Acrobatics, Icicle Spear, Mud Shot & Breaking Swipe.Gender : Male
Ability : Torrent
Nature : Timid (+ Speed, - Attack)
Characteristic : Quick to flee (29/31 IVs in Speed)
Rillaboom – Exactly 8 months after capturing Sobble, on March 10th 2021, Gou woke up with a Grookey clinging on his right arm after he dreamed about some Rillaboom. In search for his Trainer, he found that that Grookey was in fact a Team Rocket's Pokémon from the Grunt's Gacha machine, with Grookey rebelling to the evil-doers only to join Gou's team after his concern about his wooden stick. Grookey was very energetic and impatient, still having that wild vibe within him that needs to be educated, but he has a kind heart, even if he was formerly a villain's Pokémon. He evolved into Thwackey on Gou's 17th birthday on May 5th 2023 while visiting the Slumbering Weald in Galar, and it evolved again on June 30th 2023 while facing a Terrakion and a Galarian Zapdos in the Crown Tundra after reuniting Calyrex with Glastrier, giving Goh Spectrier in return.Moves : Wood Hammer, Magical Leaf, Grass Knot, Grassy Glide, Drum Beating, Taunt, Fling, Snarl, Knock Off, Endeavor, Uproar, Sleep Talk, Acrobatics, Brick Break.Gender : Male
Ability : Overgrow
Nature : Naughty ( +Attack, - Special Defense)
Characteristic: Takes plenty of siestas (31/31 IVs in Attack)
TOTAL OF POKÉMON CURRENTLY IN GOH'S POSSESSION - 190 (BOXED)CERISE INSTITUTE A - PETIT CUP (20): Caterpie, Metapod, Weedle, Kakuna, Pidgeotto, Ratatta, Paras, Venonat, Giant Magikarp, Geodude (Alolan),
Cyndaquil (Hisui), Dustox (3x), Trapinch, Vibrava & Floette (4x);CERISE INSTITUTE B - POKÉ CUP (35): Butterfree, Beedrill, Pidgeot, Raticate, Electrode, Raichu, Golbat, Graveler, Golem Parasect, Venomoth, Arbok, Oddish, Bellsprout, Mankey, Digglet, 2Exeggutor, 2Nidoran, Poliwag, Dewgong, Cloyster, Slowpoke, Tentacool, Krabby, Seaking, Gyarados,
Spearow, Farfetch’d, Aerodactyl, Hypno, Hitmonchan, Pinsir & Heracross;CERISE INSTITUTE C - PRIME CUP (45): Grimer, Sentret, Ariados, Chinchou, Murkrow, Hoothoot, Pineco, Scizor, Stantler, Taillow, Wingull, Sharpedo, Camerupt, Flygon, Absol, Altaria, Shedinja, Pansear, Panpour, Lilligant, Sandile, Roggenrola, Boldore, Darmanitan, Ferrothorn, Golurk & Durant;Frogadier (Protean), Vivillon, Fletchling, Bunnelby, Barbaracle, Phantump, Mantyke, Morelull, Bruxish, Passimian, Pyukumuku, Corsola(G), Stunfisk(G), Greedent, Falinks, Arctozolt, Gossifleur, Regieleki & Alcremie (VCS Flavour);------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[NON-CANON] CERISE INSTITUTE D - CHALLENGE CUP (75):
Lokix, Charcadet, Skiddo, Hippowdon (F), Sandaconda, Chien-Pao;
Mareep, Smeargle, Kecleon, Accelgor, Blitzle, Mienfoo, Vigoroth, Basculin;
Zorua, Snover, Breloom, Shiftry, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat;Relicanth, Skarmory, Oricorio (Fire), Crabrawler, Rockruff, Medicham; Houndoom, Starmie, Toxel, Eiscue, Stonjourner, Lopunny, Huntail, Octillery;
Kubfu, Linoone(G), Darumaka(G), Drakloak, Orbeetle, Abra, Turtwig, Dodrio; Jumpluff, Gigalith, Cryogonal, Centiskorch, Spectrier, G-Zapdos, Terrakion;Espurr, Golduck, Ponyta, Phanpy, Swalot, Magcargo, Bombirdier, Cyclizar;
Arctibax, Hakamo-o, Pangoro, Machoke, Whismur, Gothorita, Fraxure, Latios;
Perrserker, Honedge, Finizen, Dondozo, Sandslash, Simisage, S-Castform;OTHERS (15): Dugtrio, White Flower Floette, Ninetales (Alolan), Kingdra;
Lucario (Douya), Porygon2 (Vector), Steelix (Tempest), Umbreon (Argent);
[UNDER THEIR OWN FREE CARE] Eternatus (Leon), Suicune & Mew (Roam);
[WITH CLAVELL] Meowscarada, H-Zoroark, Zamazenta, Paradox Beasts (2);
I have 10 logs to reach Log 190 on December 22nd
December 29th we have 5 posts of Dual Logs to reach 200
1 mon each per 9 logs (66 to 75) and Mew is Log/Mon #190
GOU'S PREQUEL - FERRUM GENESIS (BEFORE SUMMER 2019)02 MAY 2006 : Koharu Sakuragi is born in Vermilion City, Kanto Region, daughter of the aspiring Professors Mayumi Fuji and Haruto Sakuragi;
05 MAY 2006 : Gerald Oscar Ulrich is born in Neos City, Ferrum Region, son of Nia Felds and Glenn Ulrich, being nicknamed as Gou at age 4;
04 JUNE 2009 : Gerald meets his mom's new synergy assistants - Ikuo and Kurune Hanke - who people sometimes mistaken them for his real parents;
31 OCTOBER 2009 : Gerald went to his first Halloween Party at the famous Haunted House Mystery Carnival, dressed up as a Decidueye;
25 DECEMBER 2009 : Gerald receives a Yule gift called TWITTER (aka Transmitter of Words and Interactions That Travel Entire Realms);05 JUNE 2010 : Icarus, Glenn's Hawlucha, dies in a Ferrum Battle against in a Gallade under drugs, with Kiyo giving Glenn a Machop Egg;
20 JUNE 2010 : Gou meets his dad's army colleagues - Surge Smith and Visquez Voltaire - both pilot and radio experts with Electric Types;
21 JUNE 2010 : Koharu attracts the attention of Gou, and the two become fast friends, bonding over a love for Pokémon, specially Yamper;
04 JULY 2010 : Gou and his parents go to Surge's birthday party and Gym remodeling thanks to Visquez, where Gou formally meets Koharu;
11 JULY 2011 : Gou & Koharu go to Professor Oak’s Pokémon Summer Camp in Pallet Town where they meet the Mythical Mew at age 5;08 AUGUST 2011 : Gou & Koharu meet Ash & Dawn who are looking for info about Mew's outbreaks to help out Pikachu and Lopunny to have a Pichu;
20 MARCH 2012 : Gou receives a recommendation letter from Vermilion’s Fan Club Chairman to enroll in Sailorway Elementary the following year;
01 JUNE 2012 : Gou arrives at the Vermilion City Harbor, now living with Lt. Surge, who taught Gou how to swim back in Thalia Beach back in Ferrum;
27 FEBRUARY 2013 : Surge takes Gou to the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town, to pay respect to his deceased comrades from his war days;
01 APRIL 2013 : Gou & Koharu begin their studies in Sailorway Elementary, meeting various other kids like Mika, Deliah, Tomomi... and the bully Yuto;
02 MAY 2013 : Gou celebrates Koharu's 7th birthday in her house, hearing her talk about kyudo and Mayumi, as Gou volunteers to help in the lab;
09 AUGUST 2013 : Gou meets a kid named Tokio in Azalea Town who wants to meet Celebi in Ilex Forest, who Gou never sees again for the next 7 years;
25 OCTOBER 2013 : Gou is fooled by some bullies that there's a Mew in the Vermilion docks, as Gou is almost ran over by a truck there;
02 FEBRUARY 2014 : Gou sees as Koharu's dad remarries to Yoshino, his highschool sweetheart, with Gou trying to comfort Koharu about it;
21 NOVEMBER 2014 : Sota Sakuragi is born, with Gou being very happy that Koharu has a little brother, with Yamper enjoying more company;05 MAY 2016 : Gou turns 10 years old, as he receives his smartphone from his parents and a bag with Mew shaped cookies from Koharu;
15 OCTOBER 2016 : Gou celebrates his dad's 40th birthday back home, with him seeing Hercules the Machamp battling Alyssa's PIkachu;
15 AUGUST 2018 : Gou’s parents take him on a two-week vacation across the archipelagos of Orange and Decolore with Nia evolving her Sneasel;
03 NOVEMBER 2018 : Gou receives a Twilight Trophy from the principal of Sailorway, after winning a karaoke show in the cultural festival;
22 MARCH 2019 : Surge takes Gou to Olivine City to visit the infamous Glitter Lighthouse, meeting the caretakers Myron and Amphy;01 APRIL 2019 : Gou starts 7th grade, therefore now being a student in the prestigious Sunset Junior High, now having to wear a school uniform;
30 JULY 2019 : Gou and his parents attend the opening of the Pokémon Network Center in the Sevii Islands, with the presence of Bill & Celio;
31 JULY 2019 : Gou visits Mount Ember to try to encounter Moltres, meeting a man named Scott who wants to open a new Battle Frontier;
01 SEPTEMBER 2019 : Gou starts to show his abcenses at school as the 2nd term begins, although always showing up for the Pokémonology classes;
** 29 SEPTEMBER 2019** : Gou pitches a tent in the Marigold Monastery and starts his self-studies in scanning Psychic energy to track down Mew;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @knk365) -----
ARC 00 – BLOOMING TOGETHER (FALL 2019)Episode 000: 01 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Professor Sakuragi finally gets access to the manor where he'll futurely open his research institute and laboratory;
Episode 000: 05 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou learns about Project Mew while searching the dark web, while it was labelled Genesis Taskforce by Hodaka;
Episode 000: 15 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou reminisces about his days in Pallet Town's Summer Camp when he first met the Baby Kangaskhan and Mew;
Episode 001: 25 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou starts camping on the rooftop on Marigold Monastery due to his devices starting to get Psychic readings;
Episode 002: 01 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> The Sakuragi Institute finally opens in Vermilion City, with Gou now being a research fellow after tracking Lugia;Episode 003: 10 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> Gou and Satoshi observe the local Ivysaur Tower where the Pokémon evolve and radiate scents for the city;
Episode 004: 20 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> Gou goes to the Galar Region to study the exotic Wild Area, dealing with some rascal Nickit in Wyndon City;
Episode 005: 01 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou gets his 1st Pokémon - a partner Scorbunny - who helps him defeat a Gigantamax Snorlax in the tracks;
Episode 006: 10 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou visits the local woods in Route 11 to capture all 12 Bug Type Pokémon from the Kanto Region's Pokédex;
Episode 007: 20 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou participates in Hoenn's Battle Frontier Flute Cup, where he loses to Houji's Mightyena in a 2v1 fight;
ARC 00 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 06 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou and Koharu help Mika in Silver Week;
Event B: 12 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou remeets MIka's brother - Ace Asao;
Event C: 18 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou meets Asao's new girlfriend - Kanako;
Event D: 24 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou starts to skip school for a while;
Event E: 30 OCTOBER 2019 ---> Gou is informed of a Buizel outbreak;Event F: 06 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> Gou asks Koharu to help with homework;
Event G: 12 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> Gou helps out Deliah with her Pichu;
Event H: 18 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> Gou promises Koharu to get her souvenirs;
Event I: 24 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> Gou studies the Power Spot's geography;
Event J: 30 NOVEMBER 2019 ---> Gou studies Wild Area's weather patterns;Event K: 06 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou gives Koharu some Galar flowers;
Event L: 12 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou and Koharu attend the Himasquerade;
Event M: 18 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou and Koharu meet a wild Moltres;
Event N: 24 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou celebrates both Yule and Christmas;
Event O: 30 DECEMBER 2019 ---> Gou and Koharu visit New Year's Shrine;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @hinata3926) -----
ARC 01 – WINGED HEARTS (WINTER 2020)Episode 008: 01 JANUARY 2020 ---> After celebrating New Years's, Gou takes a lost Piplup to Snowpoint City and he ends up catching a wild Mantyke;
Episode 009: 05 JANUARY 2020 ---> Gou visits Ecruteak City where he and Satoshi help the locals to climb the tower to attempt summoning Ho-Oh;
Episode 010: 15 JANUARY 2020 ---> Gou captures a Dewgong that leads him and Satoshi to Dragonite Island, as his friends trains a local Dragonair;
Episode 011: 25 JANUARY 2020 ---> Given the increasing population of the Institute, a Gengar starts to haunt it until Koharu and Yamper defeat them;
Episode 012-013: 01 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou and Satoshi see the finals of the PWC between Lance and Leon and help quell a Gigantamax Drednaw;Episode 014: 10 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou explores the Colossus Ruins in the Desert Resort, raiding a Golurk and discovering the long lost Relic Castle;
Episode 015: 20 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou's parents decided to take the weekend off to see his grandma sing karaoke, as Gou catches a Cubone;
Episode 016: 01 MARCH 2020 ---> Upon returning from his sabbathical, Gou helps Satoshi to deal with Gengar's curse, until he's later caught by him;
Episode 017: 10 MARCH 2020 ---> After being teasing by Darmanitan, Scorbunny learns Ember by defeating Team Rocket, evolving into Raboot;
Episode 018: 20 MARCH 2020 ---> Satoshi gets his first battle in the PWC's Normal Class against Surge's underling - Visquez - in a 2v2 fight, he wins;
ARC 01 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 06 JANUARY 2020 ---> Gou spots a Porygon in the labs' systems;
Event B: 12 JANUARY 2020 ---> Gou and Koharu attend the Berlitz Cup;
Event C: 18 JANUARY 2020 ---> Gou and Koharu see a wild Zapdos;
Event D: 24 JANUARY 2020 ---> Gou helps Oda with a Puzzle in Rota;
Event E: 30 JANUARY 2020 ---> Gou helps Oda to scout Manchanel Isles;Event F: 06 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou reports to PRM about the Feathers;
Event G: 12 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu perform with Misdreavus;
Event H: 14 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou sees Articuno and couples Koharu;
Event I: 24 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou heps Koharu to create a Snag Machine;
Event J: 28 FEBRUARY 2020 ---> Gou and Koharu hatch Douya - a Riolu;Event K: 06 MARCH 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu win a kyudo competition;
Event L: 12 MARCH 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu get a Bagon and Sentret;
Event M: 14 MARCH 2020 ---> Gou takes Koharu to a date for White Day;
Event N: 24 MARCH 2020 ---> Gou gets a Psychium-Z in Unity Tower;
Event O: 30 MARCH 2020 ---> Gou meets Janus in Ferrum's Thalia Beach;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @StumpyArt) -----
ARC 02 – CINDERED SHADOWS (SPRING 2020)Episode 019: 01 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou helps a local movie director with catching a Rattata - his 30th Pokémon - to not disturb the star actor Ditto;
Episode 020: 05 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou and Satoshi help in an Orienteering Sesson where Koharu, Sota and everyone else joins and they see Lugia too;
Episode 021: 15 APRIL 2020 ---> After some PWC matches, Satoshi is called via Aura to the local Center where he hatches a Riolu Egg and keeps him;
Episode 022: 25 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou visits Littleroot Town to study the local Beautifly Migration, where he and Raboot make ammends after a dance-off;
Episode 023: 01 MAY 2020 ---> The Pokémon in Sakuragi Institure start turf wars over food shortage caused by Skwovet, while Gou's 3 Cascoon evolve;Episode 024: 10 MAY 2020 ---> Gou visits the Resort Area in the Sinnoh Region for a fishing spot, ending up defeating Matori Matrix with Magikarp;
Episode 025: 20 MAY 2020 ---> Satoshi rematches Korrina's Mega Lucario while Gou gets some brief tutelage from Gurkinn about Flabébé patterns;
Episode 026: 13 JUNE 2020 ---> Gou participates in a Magikarp Jump Competition, leading him to locate his Pokémon in an isle of Slowpoke;
Episode 027: 14 JUNE 2020 ---> Gou and Satoshi meet Sonia after seeing Leon VS Raihan, with Riolu batting Satoshi's newly Galarian Farfetch'd;
Episode 028: 15 JUNE 2020 ---> Before returning back to Kanto, Gou ends up helping a local Sobble to overcome his shyness, capturing them;
ARC 02 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 06 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou meets his new teacher - Mayumi Midoriko;
Event B: 12 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou defeats Samurai in the Viridian Gym;
Event C: 18 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou meets Blanche in a Biology course;
Event D: 24 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou defeats Janine in the Fuchsia Gym;
Event E: 30 APRIL 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu capture a Pinkan Cherubi;Event F: 06 MAY 2020 ---> Gou and Koharu celebrate their 14th birthdays;
Event G: 12 MAY 2020 ---> Gou helps a Crystal Onix in the Orange Islands;
Event H: 18 MAY 2020 ---> Gou saves Professor Willow from Gijinka attacks;
Event I: 24 MAY 2020 ---> Gou battles Gideon in the Global Overhaul Tower;
Event J: 30 MAY 2020 ---> Gou as Libero defeats Mayumi as the Emperor;Event K: 06 JUNE 2020 ---> Gou arrests Rocket's Sierra, Arlo and Cliff;
Event L: 12 JUNE 2020 ---> Gou defeats Forrest in the Pewter City;
Event M: 18 JUNE 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu win the Matcha City Contest;
Event N: 24 JUNE 2020 ---> Gou defeats Erika in the Celadon Gym;
Event O: 30 JUNE 2020 ---> Gou arrests Rocket's Sird, Carr and Orm;-----(art credit goes to Twitter's @jessu_uu)-----
ARC 03 – FORGING PATHWAYS (SUMMER 2020)Episode 029-030: 01 JULY 2020 ---> Koharu and Yamper take care of a lost Pidove and their visited by Delia the next day as she regroups with Mimey;
Episode 031: 05 JULY 2020 ---> Sota asks everyone to help his friend Nami and her Feebas, so they go to Hoenn where it evolves via Prism Scale;
Episode 032: 15 JULY 2020 ---> Gou's parents are finally on vacation, as they go to Azalea Town where he remeets Tokio and makes peace with him;
Episode 033: 25 JULY 2020 ---> Now being more trusted of others, Gou goes to a Trade Event, where he meets Koromi and gets one of her Heracross;
Episode 034: 01 AUGUST 2020 ---> Gou battles the Karate Master of Saffron's Fighting Dojo, getting a Hitmonchan while Satoshi is defeated by Bea;Episode 035: 10 AUGUST 2020 ---> Professor Sakuragi analyzes a Pikachu outbreak, with Gou saving them from Team Rocket and getting a Raichu;
Episode 036: 11 AUGUST 2020 ---> Mauville City was buried in a sandstorm, so Gou goes there to investigate, solving the problem by capturing Flygon;
Episode 037: 01 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> To rejuvenate Satoshi's spirits, Gou takes him to Alola to see Kukui, as Gou ends up battling Kiawe in the school;
Episode 038: 10 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> As the 2nd term starts, Gou and Koharu visit Pewter Museum to study fossils as he gets an Aerodactyl;
Episode 039: 20 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> After going to Cianwood adn getting a Chinchou, Gou sees Satoshi drawing with Bea in his Great Class rematch;
ARC 03 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 06 JULY 2020 ---> Gou tells Glenn to adopt Janus and Electra;
Event B: 12 JULY 2020 ---> Gou defeats Lana in the Cerulean Gym;
Event C: 18 JULY 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu defeat Georgio in HopHopHop;
Event D: 24 JULY 2020 ---> Gou defeats Candela in Seafoam Islands;
Event E: 30 JULY 2020 ---> Gou gets New Island docs to Lavender's Mr. Fuji;Event F: 06 AUGUST 2020 ---> Gou visits Aurora Village nearby Silvertown;
Event G: 12 AUGUST 2020 ---> Gou defeats Sabrina in the Saffron Gym;
Event H: 18 AUGUST 2020 ---> Gou sees the PWT finals in Saffron Dojo;
Event I: 24 AUGUST 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu get her final Contest Ribbon;
Event J: 30 AUGUST 2020 ---> Gou & Koharu get Nimbus's Egg in LaRousse;Event K: 06 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> Gou defeats Koharu in Vermilion Gym;
Event L: 12 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu rank Top 16 in Kanto;
Event M: 18 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> Gou ranks Top 4 after defeating Kazuma;
Event N: 24 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> Gou and Koharu see Misty battle Spark;
Event O: 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 ---> Gou reunites with Lugia in Fula City;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @karikororin) -----
ARC 04 – WISTERIA WORLD (FALL 2020)Episode 040: 01 OCTOBER 2020 ---> Several thunderclouds are storming Vermilion City, with Gou located a Zapdos in the local Power Plant;
Episode 041: 05 OCTOBER 2020 ---> Gou visits the swamp areas nearby Kanto's former Safari Zone, helping the local Marshtomp to stay hydrated;
Episode 042: 10 OCTOBER 2020 ---> After seeing Satoshi's Dynamax Band glowing, Gou takes him to Galar, being lost in Slumbering Weald;
Episode 043: 15 OCTOBER 2020 ---> Sonia takes Gou to Turrfield Geoglyph to analyze the crisis that's happening while Satoshi helps Leon with Raids;
Episode 044: 20 OCTOBER 2020 ---> Thanks to Magnolia, Gou Dynamaxes Raboot in the Stow-in-Side Murale, seeing the statues of the heroes;Episode 045: 25 OCTOBER 2020 ---> Gou and Satoshi stop the Darkest Day - Eternatus - with the help of the Rusted Items to power Zacian & Zamazenta;
Episode 046: 30 OCTOBER 2020 ---> Gou and Satoshi take Cinderace and Lucario to Cero Island in order to search to Mew, but they battle Mewtwo;
Episode 047: 01 NOVEMBER 2020 ---> Gou wins a local eating competition thanks to his Greedent, now knowing that Kikuna is a fanatic for them;
Episode 048: 05 NOVEMBER 2020 ---> Gou and Satoshi visit Castelia City to eat the local delicacies while Cinderace and Lucario explore the local plaza;
Episode 049: 10 NOVEMBER 2020 ---> Yamper leads a mysterious Eevee to Koharu's school playground, as she captures her after being saved by Gou;
ARC 04 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 15 NOVEMBER 2020 ---> Gou meets Leaf who is pursuing Mewtwo;
Event B: 20 NOVEMBER 2020 ---> Gou gets Mew docs in Cinnabar Mansion;
Event C: 25 NOVEMBER 2020 ---> Gou's Cinderace battles Schilly's Raboot;
Event D: 30 NOVEMBER 2020 ---> Gou and Koharu meet Cheren and Bianca;
Event E: 01 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou battles Alyssa in the Scarlet Stadium;Event F: 03 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou meets Leaf's cousin - Mint Evergreen;
Event G: 06 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou attempts a symposium in Holon;
Event H: 09 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou learns about the local Delta Species;
Event I: 12 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou goes to train in the Victory Road;
Event J: 15 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou sees Koharu getting a Salamence;Event K: 18 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou sees Laramie's Ranch in Mount Spirit;
Event L: 21 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou and Koharu attend Asao's wedding;
Event M: 24 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou battles Lance in Sunset Colosseum:
Event N: 27 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou decides to face the Johto League;
Event O: 30 DECEMBER 2020 ---> Gou meets Anne during the holidays;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @h_in_ryo2639) ------
ARC 05 – CRYSTAL CHRONICLES (WINTER 2021)Episode 050: 01 JANUARY 2021 ---> Gou and Satoshi take Koharu to the Wild Area to meet Cara Liss, as she revives Arctozolt and Dracovish for them;
Episode 051: 05 JANUARY 2021 ---> Satoshi battles a Gurdurr Trainer in Kanto's Rock Tunnel, solidifying his placement in the Great Class mid-tiers;
Episode 052: 15 JANUARY 2021 ---> The trio visits Endo's Farm to help control the Diglett, later on being notified that he knows Milo from Galar;
Episode 053: 25 JANUARY 2021 ---> Gou saves a Suicune from poachers in Johto's Route 35, letting them roam freely to purify the waters of the world;
Episode 054: 01 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> Gou's Sobble learns U-Turn after saving Jacqueline and Inteleon, later on being notified that she knows Nessa too;Episode 055: 10 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> The trio revisits Galar to explore Glimwood Tangle, while Koharu helps a Ponyta and Gou is quizzed by Opal;
Episode 056: 20 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> Gou and Satoshi do Wikstrom's trial in the Hall of Chivalry, with Gou getting Scizor and Farfetch'd learning Detect;
Episode 057-058: 01 MARCH 2021 ---> Koharu helps Kikuna to remeet her friend and his Psyduck while Gou and Satoshi deal with a Gulpin outbreak;
Episode 059: 10 MARCH 2021 ---> Gou asks for Yamper's help to find a Grookey's Trainer in the PokéMart, with them discovering it was the Gacha's;
Episode 060: 20 MARCH 2021 ---> After saving Grookey from Team Rocket, Gou sees Satoshi defeat Rinto and Gallade with his newly evolved Sirfetch'd;
ARC 05 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 06 JANUARY 2021 ---> Gou learns from Crys about the Sinjoh Ruins;
Event B: 12 JANUARY 2021 ---> Gou defeats Clair in Blackthorn's Den;
Event C: 18 JANUARY 2021 ---> Gou sees Macy & Egan make a Candle Badge;
Event D: 24 JANUARY 2021 ---> Gou defeats Pryce in Mahogany's Lake;
Event E: 30 JANUARY 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu get Eggseter's Power Medal;Event F: 06 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> Gou meets Karolin in Mintale's Springfield;
Event G: 12 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu lose to Tomomi by a hair;
Event H: 18 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> Gou defeats Janine in Olivine's Lighthouse;
Event I: 24 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu win Whitestone's Skill;
Event J: 28 FEBRUARY 2021 ---> Gou participates in the Quartz TagTeam;Event K: 06 MARCH 2021 ---> Gou and his parents get a tour to Silph Co.;
Event L: 12 MARCH 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu get advice from Yamada;
Event M: 18 MARCH 2021 ---> Gou defeats Chuck in Cianwood's Safari Zone;
Event N: 24 MARCH 2021 ---> Gou & Koharu visit Neos City & Tellur Town;
Event O: 30 MARCH 2021 ---> Gou leaves Douya with Anne in Regi Ruins;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @chitozen_spla) -----
WINTER 2020 ---> MARCH 15TH (AFTER JN017)
After finishing school, Koharu does some volunteering in the Fan Club;
Satoshi and Gou are ambushed by Sordward and Shielbert in the Lab;
Pikachu and Raboot battle Golisopod and Bronzong in the warehouses;
Gou saves Koharu in the harbor, stopping Dr. Zager from getting Enamorus;MOVIE 001: ISLE OF ARMOR, DOJO OF GROWTH
SUMMER 2020 ---> AUGUST 20TH (AFTER JN034)
Koharu and Sakuragi are invited by Peony and Peonia to the Galar Region;
Honey and Mustard instruct Koharu and Gou into a tag battle against them;
Gou and Satoshi have a tag battle against the students Klara and Avery;
Satoshi and Pikachu spar with Nessa and Eiscue in the Tower of Waters;MOVIE 002: BATTLE FESTIVAL, GALARIAN STYLE
Satoshi's Gengar defeats Milo's Flapple and Appletun in the Top 16;
Satoshi's Lucario defeats Gordie's Stonjourner and Coalossal in the Top 8;
Satoshi's Dragonite defeats Kabu's Torkoal and Salazzle in the semifinals;
Satoshi's Farfetch'd defeats Bede's Mawile and Orbeetle in the finals;
SUMMER 2021 ---> JULY 20TH (AFTER JN075)
The Unown in Mount Silver's den materialize the ghost of Rei to battle Gou;
At the snowy peak, Rei's Overqwil & Sneasler battle Gou's Flygon & Absol;
Basculegion, Kleavor and Wyrdeer battle Arctozolt, Scizor and Greedent;
The match ends in a draw as Rei's Ursaluna ties with Gou's Cinderace;MOVIE 004: RAMANAS PARK, ROCKET PERIL
WINTER 2022 ---> MARCH 05TH (AFTER JN102)
Koharu's Yamper and Eevee stall Atilla and Hun until Suicune shows up;
Gou's Aerodactyl, Dewgong and Raichu battle the Elite Officer Domino;
Gou's Parasect, Hitmonchan and Raticate battle the Executive Admin Archer;
Gou and Satoshi save Raikou and Entei from Dr. Namba and Sebastian;MOVIE 005: CROSSING KAMENS, KITAKAMI CRISIS
SUMMER 2022 ---> JULY 31ST (AFTER JN136)
Gou meets Carmine and Kieran in Mossui Town for the Festival of Masks;
After being photographed by Perrin, Bloodmoon Ursaluna rampages over;
The Loyal Three are set free, stealing Ogerpon's masks and go titanic size;
As the lousy Pokémon are quelled, Gou faces off their leader Pecharunt;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @skmkz10) -----
ARC 06 – TOWERING TRIALS (SPRING 2021)Episode 061: 01 APRIL 2021 ---> Gou helps the local handyman with performing several PokéJobs, quite the skill for his 1st day as a 9th grader;
Episode 062: 05 APRIL 2021 ---> A camera crew visits the Institute to film a documentary as Gou's Sobble becomes a Drizzile, now training in solitude;
Episode 063: 15 APRIL 2021 ---> Koharu visits Kikuna's friend Kairi in Lilycove City as she and Eevee participate in a Marine Event with Vaporeon;
Episode 064: 25 APRIL 2021 ---> Gou visits Lavaridge Town on Houji's request in order to capture Absol and stop Mount Chimney from erupting;
Episode 065: 01 MAY 2021 ---> While Gou talks with Drayden, Satoshi discovers that Iris is now Unova's Champion, defeating her in the PWC;Episode 066: 10 MAY 2021 ---> After all of his Flabébé evolved into Floette, expect the White Flower one, Gou takes her to Kalos to start her own garden;
Episode 067: 20 MAY 2021 ---> Gou helps Officer Jenny with her police work, rangering Vulpix and being a detective with Growlithe, this intriguing Kabu;
Episode 068: 01 JUNE 2021 ---> Gou visits Professor Oak in Pallet Town, where he meets Gary who is there to battle Moltres as part of his mission;
Episode 069-070: 10 JUNE 2021 ---> Grookey and Eevee successfully do their errand while Gou makes sure that Team Rocket's Morpeko is all fed up;
Episode 071: 20 JUNE 2021 ---> Gou meets Tsurugi and Asahi on Hodaka's aircraft, helping a lost Alolan Ninetales in Mount Coronet to reach safety;
ARC 06 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 06 APRIL 2021 ---> Gou defeats Morty in Ecruteak's Kimono House;
Event B: 12 APRIL 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu lose to Dorian in a Pokéahtlon;
Event C: 18 APRIL 2021 ---> Gou and Koharu participate in a Grass Type Cup;
Event D: 24 APRIL 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu win Bonitaville's Stamina;
Event E: 30 APRIL 2021 ---> Gou defeats Casey in Goldenrod's tunnels;Event F: 06 MAY 2021 ---> Gou and Koharu celebrate their 15th birthdays;
Event G: 12 MAY 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu lose to his rival Camilla;
Event H: 18 MAY 2021 ---> Gou defeats Bugsy in Azalea's now Kurt Well;
Event I: 24 MAY 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu win Greenfield's Speed;
Event J: 30 MAY 2021 ---> Gou & Koharu battle Will & Karen in the Elite Cup;Event K: 06 JUNE 2021 ---> Gou & Koharu help Daisy Oak's Summer Camp;
Event L: 12 JUNE 2021 ---> Gou meets Lental's Rita & Sinnoh's Roseanne;
Event M: 18 JUNE 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu win Cherrygrove Jump Medal;
Event N: 24 JUNE 2021 ---> Gou gets two new rivals in Paulo and Orion;
Event O: 30 JUNE 2021 ---> Gou defeats Falkner in Violet's Baccer Field;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @pk_mnt) -----
ARC 07 – ESTIVAL ECLIPSES (SUMMER 2021)Episode 072: 01 JULY 2021 ---> The trio visit Driftveil City in order to eat Klink cookies, but they get lost in Clay's Tunnel, Gou reaching the sewers;
Episode 073: 02 JULY 2021 ---> Gou captures a Falinks after wanting to know more about the Wild Area, as his Pokémon ends up battling a lost Eiscue;
Episode 074-075: 05 JULY 2021 ---> Koharu meets Dawn as they help Cresslia while Gou and Satoshi make sure Darkrai is save from Matori;
Episode 076: 25 JULY 2021 ---> Gou visits Alola for a Catching Race that he ends up winning that to the aid of the local Champion - Satoshi himself;
Episode 077: 01 AUGUST 2021 ---> Satoshi gets his first Ultra Class match - against Volkner from Sunyshore, which he wins thanks to SatoPika-Z;Episode 078: 10 AUGUST 2021 ---> After months of rigorous training, Drizzile finally becomes an Inteleon, saving the labs from a data theif Kecleon;
Episode 079: 20 AUGUST 2021 ---> Before Summer ends, Koharu visits the Eclipse Castle in Johto, as she befriends Haruhi and her Espeon & Umbreon;
Episode 080: 01 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> Gou gets his 1st official Project Mew Trial Mission - to get the scales of a Shiny Volcarona, which he clears;
Episode 081: 10 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> The trio meet a duo of Pokémon Maniacs who ensue in Blue-tivities after Gou captures a Shiny Voltorb;
Episode 082: 20 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> The trio visits Opal in Ballonlea where they participate in an Alcremie bake-off against Leon & Raihan;
ARC 07 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 06 JULY 2021 ---> Gou meets Jasmine & Whitney in Athlete's Village;
Event B: 12 JULY 2021 ---> Gou battles in Cross, Sorrel & Verity in Mt. Silver;
Event C: 18 JULY 2021 ---> Gou ranks Top 4 in Johto by defeating Tokio;
Event D: 24 JULY 2021 ---> Gou sees Koharu rank Top 4 in Supreme Cup;
Event E: 30 JULY 2021 ---> Gou's Douya and Deliah's Lupin have a battle;Event F: 06 AUGUST 2021 ---> Gou's Cinderace spars with Drizzile & Grookey;
Event G: 12 AUGUST 2021 ---> Gou's Cinderace learned Single Strike;
Event H: 18 AUGUST 2021 ---> Gou and Koharu attend the Obon Festival;
Event I: 24 AUGUST 2021 ---> Gou's Inteleon learned Rapid Strike;
Event J: 30 AUGUST 2021 ---> Gou battle Molly Hale's Entei in Battle Tower;Event K: 06 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> Gou and Koharu volunteer in the FanClub;
Event L: 12 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> Gou's Voltorb battles Visquez's Electrode;
Event M: 18 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> Gou's Galar Starters learn Fusion Strike;
Event N: 24 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> Gou has recent dreams about Zamazenta;
Event O: 30 SEPTEMBER 2021 ---> Gou takes Koharu to see the Shikizakura;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @ayosanri009) -----
ARC 08 – AUTUMN ADVENTURES (FALL 2021)Episode 083: 03 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Gou visits the Ruins of Alph where he helps Cynthia to defeat Shadow Pokémon created by Unown's illusions;
Episode 084: 06 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Korrina takes Gou and Satoshi to an expedition to Mega Island, with Gurkinn being happy for Gou's progress;
Episode 085: 09 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Satoshi ends up facing the Isle Sage and his Mega Alakazam in the Forest of Steel to get his own Lucarionite;
Episode 086: 12 OCTOBER 2021 ---> After several trials and tribulations, Satoshi finally defeats Bea's Grapploct and also Gigantamax Machamp;
Episode 087: 15 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Koharu's class gets a new temporary transfer student - Regina and her Glaceon - who they warm up to quickly;Episode 088: 18 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> After getting help from Elite 4's Drake, Gou captures a wild Kingdra nearby Route 134's Sealed Chamber;
Episode 089: 21 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Several Dimenslonal Distortions are being spotted all over the Sinnoh Region, with Dawn's Piplup going missing;
Episode 090: 24 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> After Gou analyzes the gates, the group is de-aged by the legendaries only for Arceus to solve such crisis;
Episode 091: 27 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Gou and Satoshi take a Ghost Train with Allister as they battle a Spiritomb soul that is possessing Satoshi;
Episode 092: 30 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Gou and Allister get fastly acquainted as they help Gengar to get the Max Mushrooms needed for the Max Soup;
ARC 08 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 18 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Gou visits the Eevee Manor in Stone Town;
Event B: 21 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Gou explores the Temple in Mount Spirit;
Event C: 24 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Gou obtains a Clear Wing for Project Mew;
Event D: 27 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Gou saves a Shiny Eevee named Argent;
Event E: 30 OCTOBER 2021 ---> Gou gets an Old Sea Chart from Felix's dad;Event F: 03 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Gou battles Gozu at Mount Tensei's entry;
Event G: 06 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Gou gets Morning Star's Crimson Wing;
Event H: 09 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Gou gets Sparkling Comet's Sunset Wing;
Event I: 12 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Gou's Suicune aetherizes a Rainbow Wing;
Event J: 15 NOVEMBER 2021 ---> Gou saves Koharu and her dad from Matori;Event K: 05 DECEMBER 2021 ---> Gou visits Ecruteak to ask Morty for info;
Event L: 10 DECEMBER 2021 ---> Gou saves Koharu via Ho-Oh's Sacred Ash;
Event M: 15 DECEMBER 2021 ---> Gou gives Koharu a Dratini leather pouch;
Event N: 20 DECEMBER 2021 ---> Gou battles Gozu in Lunargent's Azure Bay;
Event O: 25 DECEMBER 2021 ---> Gou gets Lugia's Silver Wing in Sea's Den;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @rohanarts) -----
ARC 09 – LEGENDS BEYOND (WINTER 2022)Episode 093: 03 JANUARY 2022 ---> An outbreak of Magnemite is happening all over Vermilion City, as Gou helps Renji to secure his from the chaos;
Episode 094: 06 JANUARY 2022 ---> Koharu and Eevee visit Erika and Leafeon in Celadon's Gym, with Gou tagging along to help his Pinsir;
Episode 095: 09 JANUARY 2022 ---> Gou wins a Hisui encyclopedia after capturing Cyndaquil, as he and Brock battle Team Galactic to save Heatran;
Episode 096: 12 JANUARY 2022 ---> Gou visits Sophocles in the Mossdeep Space Center to see the Ampharos Signal Program sponsored by Steven;
Episode 097: 15 JANUARY 2022 ---> Gou meets the Galarian Slowpoke who floated the Isle of Curry to Kanto's shores, crafting Nut Cuffs and Wreaths;Episode 098: 16 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> Koharu and Eevee perform in a circus after solving a discourse involved the Jolteon and Flareon performers;
Episode 099: 19 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> Satoshi's Gengar defeats Marnie's Grimmsnarl as Gou and Piers make sure that Team Yell don't interfere;
Episode 100: 22 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> While Satoshi sees Leon VS Flint, Gou remeets with Sonia in Motostoke Riverbank after getting a Gossifleur;
Episode 101: 25 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> The boys see a Thwackey colony in the Wild Area, training with them after Gou fails to capture an Applin;
Episode 102: 28 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> Gou remeets with Gary and Tokio in the Seafoam Islands to raid Articuno, losing in a 12v1 due to its Sheer Cold;
ARC 09 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 18 JANUARY 2022 ---> Jessie & James reunite with Butch & Cassidy;
Event B: 21 JANUARY 2022 ---> Gou reunites with Tokio in Azalea Town;
Event C: 24 JANUARY 2022 ---> Satoshi acquaints Koharu to young Maizie;
Event D: 27 JANUARY 2022 ---> Kurt keeps the Greatest Smith's Ball secrecy;
Event E: 30 JANUARY 2022 ---> Argent becomes Umbreon VS Kurt's Slowbro;Event F: 03 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> Gou visits Rota's Cameran Palace Library;
Event G: 06 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> Gou meets Lawrence III in Pokélantis' Ruins;
Event H: 09 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> Lawrence instructs Gou of Mew's symbols;
Event I: 12 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> After defeating Porygon, Gou gets kaleidium;
Event J: 14 FEBRUARY 2022 ---> Gou & Koharu go on a date in Cosmic World;Event K: 06 MARCH 2022 ---> Gou defeats Tsurugi in a battle in Poni Island;
Event L: 12 MARCH 2022 ---> Tapu Fini trials Gou as Moyse the Pokélantian;
Event M: 14 MARCH 2022 ---> Zoroark saves Miriam and Shiny Beast Trio;
Event N: 24 MARCH 2022 ---> Gou obtains a Firium-Z from Kahuna Hapu;
Event O: 30 MARCH 2022 ---> Gou battles Enamorus in the Abudant Shrine;-----(art credit goes to Twitter's @jessu_uu)-----
ARC 10 – MASTERING MYSTERIES (SPRING 2022)Episode 103-104: 10 APRIL 2022 ---> Gou gets a Froakie in Lumiose City after meeting Clemont and Bonnie while Satoshi defeats Drasna of the Elite 4;
Episode 105: 15 APRIL 2022 ---> Koharu visits Lilycove once again, now seeing Serena and Sylveon participate in Contest Spectaculars with Lisia;
Episode 106: 20 APRIL 2022 ---> Team Rocket starts to host their own Radio Show, which gets the interest of several listeners around the world;
Episode 107: 25 APRIL 2022 ---> After months of patrolling and zookeeping, Yamper is acknowledged by Suicune, knighting him as the park's protector;
Episode 108: 30 APRIL 2022 ---> Gou's Frogadier evolves, making Satoshi want for his Lucario to meet Greninja, to enhance their Aura to its max;Episode 109: 10 MAY 2022 ---> Satoshi battles Raihan as his Master Class Promotion Match, defeating him, being ranked #8 for the final tournament;
Episode 110: 15 MAY 2022 ---> Gou comes in 2nd place in this 4th Mission, losing to Tokio in Sea Mauville, being one mission away from making it;
Episode 111-112: 20 MAY 2022 ---> The trio visits Freezington, seeing the Aether Family reunite with Mohn, going to Alola for a homecoming party;
Episode 113: 25 MAY 2022 ---> Gou and Gary visit the Split-Decision Ruins in the Crown Tundra, capturing the Regis and qualifying as now Chasers;
Episode 114: 30 MAY 2022 ---> Satoshi asks his ranched Pokémon to train his new team, meanwhile Paul shows up, battling them to test their metal;
ARC 10 (CANON COMPLIANT)Event A: 02 JUNE 2022 ---> Gou realizes that Tsurugi has feelings for Asahi;
Event B: 04 JUNE 2022 ---> Gou defeats Totem Arcanine, being part Rock;
Event C: 06 JUNE 2022 ---> Gou defeats Totem Electrode, being part Grass;
Event D: 08 JUNE 2022 ---> For the Water Trial, Gou's Inteleon faces Zoroark;
Event E: 10 JUNE 2022 ---> Lawrence gets Forgotten Island's Mewnium-Z;Event F: 12 JUNE 2022 ---> Ash assaults the flying fortress with Porygon-Z;
Event G: 14 JUNE 2022 ---> Gou uses Genesis Supernova to save the day;
Event H: 16 JUNE 2022 ---> Goh becomes the Trainer of Moyse's Zoroark;
Event I: 18 JUNE 2022 ---> INDIGO ACADEMY
Event J: 20 JUNE 2022 ---> OWC10Event K: 22 JUNE 2022 ---> OWC10
Event L: 24 JUNE 2022 ---> OWC10
Event M: 26 JUNE 2022 ---> OWC10
Event N: 28 JUNE 2022 ---> OWC10
Event O: 30 JUNE 2022 ---> OWC10----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @pkpk0813) -----
ARC 11 - ULTIMATE JOURNEYS (SUMMER 2022)Episode 115-117: 03 JULY 2022 ---> The PWC Masters 8 finally started, with Alain, Lance and Iris losing in the Top 8, putting pressure on Satoshi;
Episode 118: 06 JULY 2022 ---> Steven loses to him on 3v3 after using Aggron, Cradily and Metagross, not being able to overcome SatoPika-Z;
Episode 119-121: 09 JULY 2022 ---> While in Kanto, Koharu is taking an interest in Pokémon Evolution after her dad remet his friend Clefable;
Episode 122: 12 JULY 2022 ---> The Top 4 of the PWC started, now the matches being 6v6, but Leon defeats Diantha with only half of his team;
Episode 123-125: 15 JULY 2022 ---> Satoshi battles Cynthia, and after a rough start for Kanto, Galar comes in clutch and Lucario secures the win;Episode 126: 18 JULY 2022 ---> Project Mew sends Gou the data needed for this last mission, as he gets updates from Tokio and Koharu as well;
Episode 127: 21 JULY 2022 ---> Gou defeats Team Rocket and Perrserker as Cinderace reunites with the now Thievul Trio, parting ways with Satoshi;
Episode 128-132: 24 JULY 2022 ---> Satoshi and Pikachu defeat Leon and Charizard with Pika Papow, being Monarchs of the World Championships;
Episode 133-134: 27 JULY 2022 ---> Gou and the Chasers reach Faraway Island, battling Groudon and Kyogre in the deep caves of Table Mountain;
Episode 135-136: 30 JULY 2022 ---> After reuniting with Mew, Gou & co. camp and raid Lugia, and start their new individual journeys in Kanto;
Event B: 08 AUGUST 2022 --->
Event C: 12 AUGUST 2022 --->
Event D: 16 AUGUST 2022 --->
Event E: 20 AUGUST 2022 --->Event F: 24 AUGUST 2022 --->
Event G: 28 AUGUST 2022 --->
Event H: 31 AUGUST 2022 ---> MIDDLE
Event I: 04 SEPTEMBER 2022 --->
Event J: 08 SEPTEMBER 2022 --->Event K: 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 --->
Event L: 16 SEPTEMBER 2022 --->
Event M: 20 SEPTEMBER 2022 --->
Event N: 25 SEPTEMBER 2022 --->
Event O: 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 ---> FINAL----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @e000025) -----
GOU'S SEQUEL - TREASURE HUNT (BEYOND FALL 2022)03 OCTOBER 2022 : Gou and Koharu and invited by Director Clavell to enroll temporarily in the Paldea Region's Mesagoza Academy to stop Team Star;
06 OCTOBER 2022 : Nemona respectively bestows Sprigatito and Quaxly to Gou and Koharu as they get acquainted with the Uva and Naranja dorms;
09 OCTOBER 2022 : Gou and Koharu get acquainted with their teachers, learning about the Ruinous Legendary Quartet from Jacq and Raifort;
12 OCTOBER 2022 : Arven speaks of how his parents - Sada and Turo - were the former headmasters of the dorms and created Tera Orbs 10 years ago;
15 OCTOBER 2022 : Nemona's Skeledirge battles Mela as Gou discovers that Cinderace has the Fighting Tera Type while facing the Schedar Starmobile;18 OCTOBER 2022 : Director Clavell kickstarts another Treasure Hunt after 18 months, disguising himself as Clive to make Carmen lead him to Eri;
21 OCTOBER 2022 : In East Paldea, Gou & Nemona meet Atticus after facing his Poison Grunts, learning the weakness of Revavroom's modifications;
24 OCTOBER 2022 : In North Paldea, Gou & Koharu meet Ortega after facing his Fairy Grunts, learning more about Team Star's founding via Harrington;
27 OCTOBER 2022 : In West Paldea, Gou & Arven meet Giacomo after facing his Dark Grunts, with Gou getting Floragato as she protects Cloyster;
30 OCTOBER 2022 : In South Paldea, Gou & co. reunite with Penny, as the now Team Star Bases were revamped as Training Facilities for the League;03 NOVEMBER 2022 : Champion Geeta helps quelling the Rock Titan Klawf, as Arven gets the Sweet Herba Mystica thanks to the Stony Cliff's Garganacl;
06 NOVEMBER 2022 : Poppy helps quelling the Steel Titan Orthworm, as Arven gets the Bitter HM thanks to his partners Scovillain and Toedscruel;
09 NOVEMBER 2022 : Rika helps quelling the Ground Titan "Iron Treads", as Arven gets the Salty HM thanks to Asado Desert's protector "Great Tusk";
12 NOVEMBER 2022 : Larry helps quelling the Flying Titan Bombirdier, as Arven gets the Sour HM thanks to his Greedent and Chloe's new Charcadet;
15 NOVEMBER 2022 : Hassel helps quelling the Dragon Titan Dondozo, as Arven gets the Spicy HM in Casseroya Lake, healing his buddy Dachsbun;
18 NOVEMBER 2022 : Penny and Arven get Chespin and Braixen in a Kalos Fair, with Nemona getting a Shiny Greninja who battles Clive's Quaquaval;
21 NOVEMBER 2022 : Penny hacks the warp portal system in the Labs down in the Great Crater, holding the fort as Nemona takes the trio to Area Zero;
24 NOVEMBER 2022 : Arven meets up with AI versions of his parents, using the Paradox Pokémon that hurted Dachsbun - Roaring Moon & Iron Valiant;
27 NOVEMBER 2022 : Nemona's Pawmot protects Koraidon and Miraidon as Gou obtains Meowscarada while struggling against both Paradox Volcarona;
30 NOVEMBER 2022 : After reading Heath's journal - the Amber Book - the quintet form their own afterschool club - Manzana Occulture Brigade (MOB);03 DECEMBER 2022 : Clavell gives Arven an academic sabbathical, while Nemona leads Gou to challenge the Gyms and the Champion's Assessment;
06 DECEMBER 2022 : In East Paldea, Gou faces Brassius in the Artazon Gym, battling his 4 Grass Types - Breloom, Whimsicott, Arboliva & Sudowoodo;
09 DECEMBER 2022 : In East Paldea, Gou faces Iono in the Levincia Gym, battling her 4 Electric Types - Magneton, Kilowattrel, Bellibolt & Mismagius;
12 DECEMBER 2022 : In South Paldea, Gou faces Katy in the Cortondo Gym, battling her 5 Bug Types - Spidops, Lokix, Rabsca, Vivillon & Ursaring;
15 DECEMBER 2022 : In South Paldea, Gou faces Tulip in the Alfornada Gym, battling her 4 Psychic Types - Farigiraf, Espathra, Armarouge & Florges;18 DECEMBER 2022 : In West Paldea, Gou faces Larry in the Medali Gym, battling his 4 Normal Types - Komala, Maushold, Dudunsparace & Staraptor;
21 DECEMBER 2022 : In West Paldea, Gou faces Kofu in the Cascaraffa Gym, battling his 4 Water Types - Veluza, Wugtrio, Palafin & Crabominable;
24 DECEMBER 2022 : In North Paldea, Gou faces Grusha in Glaseado's Gym, battling his 5 Ice Types - Frosmoth, Beartic, Avalugg, Cetitan & Altaria;
27 DECEMBER 2022 : Gou faces Tyme's sister, Ryme, in Montenevera's Gym, battling her 4 Ghost Types - Mimikyu, Houndstone, Ceruledge & Toxtricity;
30 DECEMBER 2022 : After his 8 Gym Battles, Gou passes the Assessement to Geeta and Nemona's surprise, but loses to Rika's Flygon after a 6v6 fight;----- (art credit goes to Twitter's @cheruyuu) -----
Koharu Sakuragi : Gou’s first-ever friend and his best one since their childhood days. Koharu used to go with him to school and she was probably his only friend there, which always made Gou a little bit nervous. Secretly, he sometimes used to be afraid of not knowing what to say or do around her, always believing that a simple misstep could ruin their long-lasting friendship. Gou simply respects Koharu a lot and doesn't want to disappoint her, now being Gou's girlfriend after various events that they both lived together ever since Gou moved in.
She was born on May 2nd 2006, in Vermilion City.Sota Sakuragi : Just like Yamper, Koharu's brother is a very energetic individual, always wanting to help, learn adn discover even before being of age to attend a Trainers' School. One day, Gou caught him a Poliwag to teach Sota the value of hardwork and responsability as he matures by taking care of his Pokémon just like Koharu did before.
He was born on November 21st 2014, in Vermilion City.Janus : Alias of Shiki Sakuragi, the son of Gou & Koharu from the Year 2070 of an alternate timeline, one where the world lost all of its heroes with him being the only one remaining, using his Synergy with the Gaia Power in order to hunt down the Missingno born from dimensional distortions, yet the only calamity he couldn't stop was the death of his own mother upon childbirth.
He was born on July 31st 2035, in Vermilion City.Yoshino Sakuragi : When Gou met Yoshino it was the day Koharu spoke to him about Mayumi, her birth mother who passed away 11 months after she was born, giving Gou early conflict since he didn't hated Yoshino, always praising her for her illustrations as well to be the mother figure in Koharu's life that she always needed, as she even dyed and changed her hair to match to match Koharu's.
She was born on September 10th 1979, in Vermilion City.Haruto Sakuragi : Gou’s employer. He sees talent and potential in the young Trainer, entrusting him with a RotomPhone with a Pokédex application to collect data. The Professor hired the boy to become a researcher at his newly-opened Institute and he really likes to read Gou’s reports. Both of his assistances, Kikuna and Renji, were his underclassmen at the Celadon University, with all of them being lectured by Professor Samuel Oak.
He was born on August 31st 1979, in Vermilion City.
Nia Felds : Gou’s mother. She’s a Pokémon researcher in the Ferrum Region who studies the Synergy Stones used in battles. Gou was always very close to his mother, and still is, calling her once a week. When he was younger, he used to read all kinds of books at his mother’s library, as she also loves gardening and her Sinnoh native Pokémon.
She was born on September 12th 1978, in Tellur Town.Glenn Ulrich : Gou’s father. He’s the Chroma League Champion of the Ferrum Region. Pokémon Battles there are a little bit different from the other regions and Gou always cheered for his father, recording his every match on the TV. Gou nicknamed his father’s Machamp’s Synergy Burst Mode as the “Crimson Combatant”, Icarus' former aliases.
He was born on October 15th 1976, in Selen Island.Tome : Gou's paternal grandmother is a great inspiration in the young man's life. Once a famous singer, she now lives her retirement as she travels to world to go Karaoke shows. Gou loves her spunky attitude as well as her tenacity, a trait she said that got after handling her Aura Guardian husband and raising Glenn mostly on her own.
She was born on July 17th 1955, in Selen Island.Surge Smith : Gou’s adoptive uncle. He took him under his wing, letting him stay at his house while he studied at the Sailor Elementary. He doesn’t talk much due to his work hours and personal trauma, but he cares deeply for Gou. He was born on July 4th 1961, in Mistralton City.Visquez Voltaire : Visquez is like an aunt to Gou, replacing Surge as the Gym Leader of Vermilion. She helped Gou a lot in his childhood, as she and Surge taught him how to ration food, pitch tents and also how to work with radio and communication, inspiring Gou to be a tech wiz.
She was born on February 28th 1975, in Lumiose City.